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Like most other professional exams, the LSAT challenges students to recall and unpack chunks of information learned throughout studying for the exam. Known as one of the most difficult entrance exams, the LSAT has been an intimidating factor for countless law students’.


Start Early

The law school entrance exam is generally offered about once per month, so scheduling is convenient. Prepare to take the LSAT at least by the beginning to middle of the junior year. This will allow time for a retake if necessary. Law school application deadlines vary by school, so coordinate according to top preferences.


Join a Study Group

Many students find comfort and benefit in study groups or dedicated LSAT partners. There is strength in numbers, and groups lend a better understanding of specific parcels of information. Colleges and universities often post discussion forums and set aside quiet hours around campus for graduate school entrance preparation.


Create Your Learning Space

Studies show that students perform better on tests when the testing center resembles the study environment. Choose a well-lit room with a desk or other flat surface. Study aids should be readily available. Limit distractions such as electronic devices, music, and television noise.


Take Advantage of Free Time

Virtually every short period of waiting can be used to review notes and key theories. Waiting in line at a restaurant, sitting in a traffic jam, waiting for the next bus, even a trip to the motor vehicle office presents an opportunity for a quick review.


Use Study Guides

There are several highly recommended study guides for students preparing for the LSAT. Choosing one or more of these aids may help students better comprehend areas of difficulty. Likewise, practice tests help understand how much time should be allocated for each question and what specific areas will require additional focus.


Take Breaks When Needed

Although preparing for the LSAT requires strict discipline and impeccable study habits, it is also essential to take a break from studying. Balance is a vital tool for any aspect of professional life, and LSAT preparation creates mental and emotional stress. Relax and unwind periodically during blocks of study time by taking scheduled or unscheduled breaks.